Hosting a dinner party is so much fun, so when we had the opportunity to move the annual Knights of Columbus out of the sterile church cafeteria into our back yard, we were thrilled! Hubby is entering his second year as Grand Knight, which made this event all the more meaningful. So proud of him. When it comes to party…
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Feast of Saint Francis Craft for Kids
The Feast of St. Francis is celebrated each year on October 4th. This is a great feast day to celebrate with your children…not only is it a chance to talk with them about Pope Francis, but kids of all ages love the animals often portrayed with St. Francis. We celebrated – as a parish family – St. Francis’s feast…
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Turning Artwork into an ABC Learning Book!
When it comes to kids artwork at our house, it’s at a max. Between the preschool projects, the at home art, the crafts from a friend’s house, and drawings at the gym, we seem to have five new pieces show up each week! While we’re pretty good at managing the load, there are a few pieces that we really…
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Jesse Tree Ornaments: Daniel in the Lion’s Den
18th Day of Advent: Daniel in the Lion’s Den Are you looking for a way to bring more faith – and faith focused fun – to your Advent season? We are so excited to share our new book: Our Family’s Jesse Tree. This printable eBook contains over 80 pages of detailed ornament templates (like the one shown above), daily scripture…
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RECIPE: Hot Cross Buns Recipe & Project (free printable!)
A wonderful Good Friday tradition of following a yummy hot cross buns recipe to make delicious rolls and then sharing them with your friends ties into a nursery rhyme you probably learned growing up: Hot cross buns! Hot cross buns! One ha’ penny, two ha’ penny, Hot cross buns! If you have no daughters, Give them to your…
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ACTIVITY: Empty Tomb and Mount Calvary Garden for Easter / Triduum (FREE PROJECT)
I’ve talked before about my amazing MOPS group when we created the Stations of the Cross magnets and the inspiration the craft provided. This past week we created an adorable representation of the three crosses on Mount Calvary (referred to as Skull in the Bible) and the covered tomb, which would be found to be empty on Easter Sunday as…
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Water, water, everywhere…
Such a fun day! Little man slept in late, which meant I got not only a long hot shower but second cup of coffee. He woke up in a great mode, powered down a yummy smoothie, and we headed to Legoland. We spent the day splashing in the play zone, riding the water rides, and squirting everyone who got within…
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Live From LA Congress: Day 3 Recap
Last day at LA Congress…can’t believe how quickly Day 1 and Day 2 went.* Today called for an extra cup of coffee, so we started the morning off right by stopping at Café Justo. Café Justo is a coffee grower cooperative based in Salvador Urbina, Chiapas, Mexico. They market a pure, organic cofee which is grown, harvested and marketed in…
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Live from LA Congress: Day 2 Recap
Day 2 of LA Congress – can’t believe we’re already nearing the end. Day 1 feels like so long ago, not just yesterday! * We started the morning with morning prayer, presided by Julianne Donlor-Stanz, the Director of the Department of New Evangelization for the Diocese of Green Bay. Originally from Ireland – and with St. Patrick’s Day right around…
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Live from LA Congress: Day 1 Recap
Wow – what a day! Ever wonder what awesome-amazing-faith-filled-on-fire feels like with 40,000 other people? Here you go – Day 1 at LA Congress.* We started the morning with a truly engaging talk by Rev. Ronald Rolheiser. His message was one of fear – and how we want to be healthy in our fear of God and not unhealthy. Our…
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ACTIVITY: My Lucky Charm Handprint Craft for Saint Patrick’s Day!
In our Bible Study class we covered the passages in Matthew 19 where the children were brought to Jesus but – as they were brought to him – the disciples were less than thrilled. Clearly, Jesus knew that beneath their sticky fingers and snotty noses that they were truly a blessing! That’s what my little man is to me –…
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ACTIVITY: “Make Room for God” Lent Activity Stones
With all the kids projects, fish fry schedules, fasting days calendars, and <insert a thousand things here!> going on, it’s easy to lose track of both the white space on your refrigerator door as well as where we should be focused during Lent. Keep your refrigerator door – as well as your heart – organized with these adorable “Make Room…
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ACTIVITY: Lent Promise Card for Families (free printable)
Lent is less than a week away, and already hubby and I have had the “what are we doing for Lent this year?” discussion the past three nights in a row. Two years ago, we started saying Grace before meals (something we kept doing once Lent ended and still do today). Last year, we didn’t make a good plan until…
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ACTIVITY: Lenten Prayer Stained Glass (Lent Activity for Kids)
One of the main reasons we celebrate Lent is to prepare ourselves for Easter…and prayer is truly an amazing way to do that. This Lent activity for kids (and the rest of the family) provides a way to add additional prayer time as you prepare for Easter. With an easy to color sheet, you and your family or classroom can…
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My Lord God, I have NO IDEA where I’m going…
I don’t always have it all together. There are days where I wonder what I’m doing with my life. I sometimes wander off onto the wrong path. I’m not always sure where the path is, and at times I’ve ended up lost the woods, fighting through the high brush and branches. There are days I’m completely alone on the path…
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