Bible Study: Job Chapters 1-5 Back on track for what we *should* have been reading…last night we read Job. I was actually pretty excited to read this one, as the introduction to Job described it as “an exquisite dramatic poem” addressing the problems of the innocent suffering, and of their retribution. Tonight’s readings, chapters 1-5 of 42 total chapters, laid the…
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Bible Study: Genesis 12-15
Bible Study: Genesis Chapters 12-15 Well…fourth night in and we already goofed. Somehow we did the reading for January 16th – we should have read Job last night, so we’ll do that tonight. I’m just happy we’re still sticking with our plan. Tonight’s readings focused on Abram, his nephew Lot, the war of the four kings, and the promise from God…
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Bible Study: Genesis 8-11
Bible Study: Genesis Chapters 8-11 Last night’s readings were around the flood waters receding, the covenant of the rainbow, more the descendant of Noah, and the multiple languages on Earth. 1. Gen 8:1. Yeah…I think God – and no disrespect meant here at all – forgot about Noah for a bit. The way our Bible reads, “But then God remembered…” – as if…
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Bible Study: Genesis 4-7
Bible Study: Genesis Chapters 4-7 Yeah! Second day into the readings and we did it. Seriously, minor celebration is warranted here. Andy did the readings, and it was really special to just sit and *listen* to him read. I was most aware of the pauses he gave while reading…I could tell that this meant it was something interesting, or something new,…
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Bible Study: Genesis 1-3
Bible Study: Genesis Chapters 1-3 I’ve never really been one for New Year’s resolutions (honestly, if you want to make a change, just do it whatever the date!), but we are using the change of the calendar to do something we’ve wanted to do for a long time…we are going to start (and hopefully finish!) reading the Bible together. We’re following…
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December 2012
So yes, it *is* a bit late to get a calendar out there…but this will be great for future reference! Hoping to get a jump on future months, though not sure if I’ll tie them in directly here or not. It’s been a great December and lead-in to the Christmas season so far! Am already looking forward to celebrating the…
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Activity: A Surprise Visit from Saint Nicholas!
What a beautiful surprise to wake up to this morning!!! Saint Nicholas came to visit us last night – completely unexpected. I went to sleep last night remembering how Saint Nick would come to our house growing up and leave a half dollar in our shoes (thanks, Mom) and looked forward to the day when we could do the same…
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