Bible Study: Job Chapters 17-20
First, I think I need to change the goal of this series…to be completely honest, we were a bit overzealous in thinking we could get a reading done each night. With the baby going to bed at 8pm, and my hubby’s work schedule being extra crazy, we’re both doing paperwork and whatnot until we pass out at 10pm (what late nighters we are!). Hmm…that sounds like I’m trying to get a pass here…not the case. We are still really enjoying reading, and will continue to do so most nights.
Second, I had the sweetest comment from a new friend who said she reads our blog and really enjoys it! Yeah!!! Seriously, if you’re reading this, you know who you are and you made my day 🙂
In the spirit of being honest, our latest on Job is…it’s getting a bit long and reminds me of the “same story different day” thing. I feel like I could summarize all of tonight’s readings by saying: Job is still miserable, he feels judged by his friends, his friends are angry and judging him right back and condemning him as wicked. Is that a bad thing? Am I missing some bigger picture? Feel free to comment – would love to hear your thoughts.
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Hi Jen, I found your blog through your comment on Community of Catholic Bloggers and came over to say hello! I'm currently participating in the 90 Day Bible Reading Challenge by The Catholic Year of Faith by Ascension Press. It's nice because it comes straight to my email box with the links to the scripture verse. We are in Exodus right now. May God bless you in your bible study!
Hi Noreen – thanks! My husband and I are really excited to be reading together. I must say…we find the time together wonderful and (yet, I feel guilty saying this!) are really struggling with Job. How did you feel about it?
Thanks for the tip on the 90 Day Challenge. I will definitely check it out!