We have a robust test team, and all our patterns are fully tested before they roll out. However, mistakes can still happen and clarifications can still be needed. That’s why we have this page; it’s our way of ensuring you have the most current information before you start sewing.
- You will need 1/2 yard of fabric for Fabric F and 7/8 yard of Fabric O.
- Block 1 should read:
- Fabric F: two strips at 3.5”x42”, one at 3.5”x7”, and two at 3.5”x3.5” (49” total needed, assumes 42” WOF). See Appendix C for Fabric F Cutting Instructions to maximize use of fabric.
- Fabric G: one strips at 3.5”x42”, one at 3.5”x7”, and two at 3.5”x3.5” (49” total needed, assumes 42” WOF)
- Patterns purchase after 3/1/24 have been corrected.
- Block 1 should read:
- In Appendix A, Block 11 should read:
- Block 11 (Ohio Star):
- Cut:
- Fabric B: ten 3.25”x3.25” squares (32.5” total length) (QST), five 2.5”x2.5” square from 12.5” strip (center)
- Fabric D: ten 3.25”x3.25” squares (32.5” total length) (QST)
- Fabric E: twenty 2.5”x2.5” squares (50” total length) (corners)
- Cut:
- Block 11 (Ohio Star):
- In Appendix B, Block 1 should read:
- Block 1 (Nine Patch)
- Fabric F: two strips at 1.5”x21”
- Fabric G: one strips at 1.5”x21”
- Block 1 (Nine Patch)
- In Appendix B, Block 11 should read:
- Block 11 (Ohio Star)
- Cut:
- Fabric B: ten 2.25”x2.25” squares (22.5” total length) (QST), five 1.5”x1.5” square from 7.5” strip (center)
- Fabric D: ten 2.25”x2.25” squares (22.5” total length) (QST)
- Fabric E: twenty 1.5”x1.5” squares (30” total length) (corners)
- Cut:
- Block 11 (Ohio Star)
- In Appendix A + B, Block 17 should be labeled as an Ohio Star. No change to cutting directions.
- Patterns purchased after 2/24/22 have been corrected
- You will need 1/2 yard of fabric for Fabric F and 7/8 yard of Fabric O.
- On page 6, the trimming of the pieced blocks should say to square them at 3″ (and not 2.5″).
- Patterns purchased after 11/1/20 have been corrected.
- On the materials page, you will need 1/2 yard of all star fabrics
- Patterns purchased after 9/1/23 have been corrected
- On page 6, the trimming of the pieced blocks should say to square them at 3″ (and not 2.5″).
- Piece J is missing the “J3” designation at the bottom
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