It’s been a while since I’ve released a new quilt pattern specifically based on the colors of Lent and Advent; in fact, I think it’s been almost four years now since the release of the Lent/Advent Table Runner! High time for a new design – especially knowing I can now use this quilt for both Advent and Lent. Now, you…
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Kaleidoscope Quilt for Lent or Advent
Pattern: Women of the Bible Quilt Blocks and Study (block of the month)
Welcome to our Women of the Bible block of the month mystery quilt! Together we will be sewing 12 quilt blocks, one per month. Each block will be focused on an inspirational woman from scripture, and we’ll be diving into her history, her struggles, her contributions, and what we can learn from her to apply to our own lives today….
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Project: Pin the Candle on the Advent Wreath (Game for Families and Youth Ministry)
I have the super fun opportunity to help plan events for the Middle School Youth Ministry at our church. Seeing as how it’s Advent, I wanted to to plan an Advent themed game…but what to do with a bunch of middle schoolers? Thinking back to games I loved playing at this age brought the goofy “pin the tail on the…
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Quilt Patterns, Devotionals, and Supplies on Amazon
Hi Scripture Quilters! It’s been a while since I shared this with you, so thought it would be good to share with you again since we have so many new quilters joining us. Plus, seeing as I how I can’t remember where I put my car keys yesterday, it’s a guaranteed unlikely that I’ll remember something I was told two…
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Designing Women: Quilter’s Edition
Do you ever just crave a quilting discussion with friends, chatting about patterns, trends in industry, or the latest fabric drop from Moda? I do, too, and it’s why I’m so excited to invite you to join me and some of my loveliest quilting friends each month to talk all things quilting! Together, we are Designing Women: Quilter’s Edition and…
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Good Friday Quilt Along
Hi there, scripture quilter! It’s been far too long since we’ve had the chance to sew together, so I’m excited to share that we’ll be having a quilt along for the Lent/Good Friday quilt this coming summer – queue the streamers and fireworks! So excited to do this with you. There’s no cost to participate beyond purchasing the pattern which…
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Rosary Quilt Pattern
I’m excited to share the Rosary Quilt Pattern with you today! This project came about in a beautiful way, and I’m happy to share the story with you below. First up, though I wanted to share some photos and details about this beautiful rosary quilt pattern, which finishes at 39″x39″ making it the perfect size for a baby quilt, Baptism,…
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Tutorial: Scrappy Holy Week Table Runner Quilt
Today I’m excited to work on a new project with you: we’ll be sewing a Holy Week table runner from the Holy Week fabric panel that you can keep up during Lent and then flip over for Easter! This table runner was inspired by the Holy Week quilt, which is fully foundation paper pieced. I wanted to create a more…
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Scripture Quilts Awards 2024
Are you a fan of the Golden Globes? How about the Emmy’s? Country Music Awards? There are so many glamorous nights out there acknowledging the hard work of artists of all kinds. I admit to a guilty pleasure of clicking on the post-event wrap-ups to see what everyone wore and catch the highlights of which movies or songs won for…
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Tutorial: Sew an Easy Pillow Case Cover
Quilting is one of my favorite ways to sew, but honestly it’s sometimes SO AWESOME to make a project, start to finish, in less than fifteen minutes! That’s why I’m so excited to show you how to sew a pillow case today; it’s a simple project and you can finish them up in no time. You can save even more…
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Tutorial: Christmas Tree Napkins
I love making these little Christmas Tree napkins; the way they fold – and unfold – is so much fun! In this sewing tutorial, I’m going to show you how to sew your own Christmas Tree napkins using either fabrics you have on hand or some of your favorite Christmas prints. Let’s get started! While I do have a few…
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Tutorial: How to Make a Quilt Name Tag
I’ve always loved the beautiful quilted name tags that the women in my guild make; they’re so colorful and personal! I wanted to make my own quilt name tag, one that was just as personal to me. Mini quilts are all the rage, so shrinking a block down and making it part of my quilt name tag was definitely on…
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Tutorial: How to Spin Seams on Four Patch Quilt Block
Sometimes, it’s the little tips that make the biggest difference. That’s how it is for me every time I get that feeling of success once I learned how to spin the seams on quilt blocks, and why I’m so excited to share this with you today, too! This tutorial is part of the Back to School blog hop, where we…
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Tutorial: Love One Another (free heart quilt pattern)
This quilt pattern is inspired by John 13:34, which tells us “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.”. This creatively designed quilt is comprised of a colorful set of crosses, each arranged to make a heart! The versatility of this pattern means that you can make the…
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TGIFF: In a Bind (choosing colors for quilt binding)
Welcome to TGIFF (Thank Goodness it’s Finished Friday) at Faith and Fabric! My name is Jen Frost, and I’m the Christian quilt pattern and fabric designer behind our signature Scripture Quilts ™ and Scripture Quilts Blocks™. I love sewing my faith and diving into the deeper meaning of scripture as we create! For real – one of my favorite ways to combine…
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