Bible Study: Genesis Chapters 1-3
I’ve never really been one for New Year’s resolutions (honestly, if you want to make a change, just do it whatever the date!), but we are using the change of the calendar to do something we’ve wanted to do for a long time…we are going to start (and hopefully finish!) reading the Bible together.
We’re following THIS version, so if you’d like to read along, please join us! We’d also love any feedback on our comments as we read along – or answers to the questions we’re coming up with 🙂
So…the color commentary on last nights readings:
1. Gen 1:13 – This is one of my favorites! I remember being at a Women’s Retreat where the speaker pointed out how each day, God was happy with his work – the first five days end with “it was good”. However, on the sixth day, after he creates man (and woman!), “it was very good”. So, not just good, but VERY good!
2. Gen 1:26 – One of the things that jumped out to Andy and I was how this section kept using God in the plural…like, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness…”. Our reaction was one of wonder as to who the “our” was. Was this referring to the Holy Trinity? Something else?
3. Gen 1:29 – Hmm…pointed out that I think we’re supposed to be vegetarians, as it’s specifically called out that: “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed ; it shall be food for you”. My meat loving husband begs to differ.
4. Gen 2:10-14 – This reminded us of a homily our pastor gave a few months back…one that started off pretty dry, to be honest (he’s not reading this, is he?). The homily started off naming names…as in, “so-and-so was the descendant of so-and-so during the time that so-and-so was ruler…”. On and on it went, and I mentally planned out my grocery list tried to pay attention but couldn’t find the point. However, the wrap-up was ingenious – he even called himself out, asking, “You may be wondering why the history lesson?” The detail he repeated – the naming of names – came right out of that weeks Gospel and was intended to place itself in history’s timeline. I hadn’t ever thought of it this way, and it suddenly made complete sense! Getting back to tonight’s reading, this is what this section reminded me of…the fact that the location of all the rivers and towns is called out serves to show that this indeed did happen in a real place – a place that still exists today.
5. Gen 3:15 – With Jan 1 being the Solemnity of Mary, I had just read an article about the double meaning of this passage! Coincidence? I think not! The double meaning was both that the enmity was put not only between the serpent and Eve but *predicted* the enmity that would exist between Mary & Jesus and the serpent.
6. Gen 3:24 – We had to Google “cherubim”…I admit I felt a bit of embarrassment at not remembering what this was. Angel! What a beautiful vision…an angel guarding the gate to Eden. Makes me think of the angel guarding the gate to Heaven. Perhaps a correlation?
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