Ahh…summer. It’s a time of days at the beach, lazy vacations, concerts at the park, and outdoor BBQs. With all this time outside, your sewing time is guaranteed to go down, right? Never. Hexagons are the perfect accompaniment to slow summer days spent out of the sewing room. With just a few items, you can pack a travel sewing kit…
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Saint Peg Dolls, and Etsy, and Craftsy, Oh My!
It felt a little like Christmas when we received our Saints wooden peg dolls! I’m blessed to be part of a wonderful Moms & Kids group at our church, and – as part of the group – we often plan activities that let us not only share our faith among our families but have an opportunity to connect with each…
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QAL: Yuma Halloween Table Runner with Pumpkin Quilting and Applique
It’s been a really fun few weeks working on my own version of the Yuma pattern from Gotham Quilts as part of their #YumaQAL! The bold triangles of the quilt come together in such a great way, and the repetition of colors is just enough to tie everything in beautifully. When I saw the pattern, I knew I found the perfect…
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Sewing: Father’s Day Golf Fabric Stash Bowl
My dad, in his retirement, has really taken up golf with a passion. For Father’s Day this year, I wanted to give him a gift (aka make him something) that was a bit more personal, and found a wonderful tutorial for a fabric bowl in Christina Cameli’s book First Steps to Free Motion Quilting. Not only did I have some…
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Traveling Hexies: Quilting on the Go (and Fabric Giveaway!)
Join us this summer for the #TravelingHexies – show us where your hexies have traveled to! Even better? You’ll be entered into our end of summer fabric giveaway! The winner will receive this BEAUTIFUL fat quarter bundle from . The soft tones are the perfect fabric for a quilt reminding you of those warm summer beach sunsets – it’ll keep you warm all…
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Pattern: God Bless America Quilt- Patriotic Table Runner
Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day – the perfect opportunities for backyard BBQs, ice cold watermelon, and warm summer days. It’s a chance to show your American pride, and decorating in red, white, and blue brings feelings of yesteryear. We’re excited to roll out a new quilt pattern that you can quilt in a day – our God…
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Rebranded! Enter Under My Roof is now Faith and Fabric
We’re going through a change! …and change is good. I’m excited to share the new look and brand of Faith and Fabric (formerly Enter Under My Roof). As the types of projects shared continues to evolve, we’ve updated our look and name to reflect the change. Welcome your thoughts on our new ‘do!
Sewing: Kids Tote Bag / Messenger Bag
Lately I’ve found my son (age 3) and I seem to be having many of the same conversations over and over again. While some (like, “please don’t wipe your boogers on the couch”) are more challenging than others (“remember to say thank you”), I really wanted to address the newest conversation of “can I bring xxxx with me?” only to be…
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Activity: Wooden Holy Family Craft / Nativity Project
Sometimes, a scrap of wood is so much more than just a scrap. Our back yard has a ton of scrap wood – with a general contractor for a husband (and a great one at that), pieces of 2×2, 2×4, and 4×4 wood fill bins on the side of our house. It’s a bit of a wood graveyard and, while…
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Jesse Tree Ornaments: Jesse the Shepherd, Son of Obed
14th Day of Advent: Jesse (son of Obed) the Shepherd Are you looking for a way to bring more faith – and faith focused fun – to your Advent season? We are so excited to share our new book: Our Family’s Jesse Tree. This printable eBook contains over 80 pages of detailed ornament templates (like the one shown above), daily…
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Jesse Tree Ornaments: David and Goliath
15th Day of Advent: David (son of Jesse) and Goliath Are you looking for a way to bring more faith – and faith focused fun – to your Advent season? We are so excited to share our new book: Our Family’s Jesse Tree. This printable eBook contains over 80 pages of detailed ornament templates (like the one shown above), daily…
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Pattern: Advent Table Runner & Placemats
Like many of you, we’re really trying – each year – to hold off Christmas until Christmas and celebrate the season of Advent. A component of celebrating, for us, is in the way we decorate our home. We’re fortunate to have the ability to sit down to dinner each night together (notice I said sit down…actually eating with a three…
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ACTIVITY: Succulent Mini Pumpkin Table Decoration
Wanted to share this adorable gift we received from a friend for Halloween/Thanksgiving. A fan of succulents, she is always cultivating, clipping, and sharing the succulents she grows in her garden. As a gift for us for the Halloween/Thanksgiving season, she made a lovely table decoration out of a miniature pumpkin, peat moss, and succulent clippings. This is definitely one…
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Finding Your Gift in a Pile of Leftovers
Blame it on the fussy toddler, or hormones, or the flip-flop that had ripped just as I stepped out of the car. Blame it on whatever you want, but last night – at our women’s ministry – I was THAT girl. The one who starts off sharing, answering a question, and – somewhere between the second and third breath –…
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Saint Michael: Defender of Evil and…Halloween!
Halloween is one of my favorite holidays…it’s one of those totally silly days that doesn’t take itself too seriously. Grab a costume, have some chocolate, and enjoy the adorable costumes that come to your door. For my husband and I, Halloween has come a long way from our college days to now celebrating it with our toddler. As we…
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