I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to make, but that’s sometimes half the fun. I knew I wanted an quilted Advent table runner, so headed to the batiks. I found some great purple- and rose-toned dyed fabric which matched the colors of our Advent candles. The colors were too bold side-by-side, though, but a few aisles over was this great purple/rose ombre sparkly tulle, which worked great as an overlay. Love the way they turned out! The size of the purple and rose in the Advent table runner and placemats are pieced in quarters, just like the four candles of the Advent wreath. The first section of purple is equivalent to two purple candles, the next section is equivalent to one rose candle, and the final section is equivalent to one purple candle. It’s subtle, but ties in nicely with the four weeks of Advent. Be sure to pick up some fusible web for applique as you’ll need it for the lettering.
You’ll end up with a bit of extra fabric from this Advent quilt, which you can use to create a mat for your Jesse Tree!
Really pretty
Thanks! I just wish I could get a photograph that really showed how nice they look…
Jen I struggle with the photos too for my blog! I am a writer not a photographer. It is frustrating to put time into something and then the photo doesn't do it justice. Regardless it it looks lovely and is a nice idea. My girls would love it. Coming to you from CWBN 🙂
^^^ Completely agree – I'm a crafter (and diaper changer and chef and maid…the list goes on) but *definitely* not a photographer! Thanks for your sweet words 🙂
These are just gorgeous Jen -I wish I could quilt (or thread a needle for that matter). My grandmother was an amazing seamstress and one of the greatest gifts I have that she made for me when I first got married was seasonal placemats (I have autumn, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Valentines Day, St. Patricks Day, Easter and patriotic ones) I treasure them now that she has passed away and use them daily!
Debbie, what a wonderful gift from your grandmother! Such a treasure to have.
Great content ,
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