It’s that time of year where we spring clean! My studio is honestly usually a pretty darn organized space, as I’m one of those “there’s a place for everything and everything goes in its place” kind of people. That means that taking a “before” and an “after” just isn’t quite as exciting, as it’s just not that messy – especially not since we did the full remodel and built a proper studio. Of course, this excludes last year’s hop when fabric exploded all over the room!
However, <ahem> what does get overlooked in my space is general cleaning of my quilting tools – things like my iron, bobbin case, rotary cutting mat, and glider mat. So, I thought I’d share some tutorials and videos with you on how to give these essential tools a good scrubbing! You can click on the bolded titles below to read the tutorials, but I recommend checking out the videos as they contain more in-depth information than the tutorials themselves…just a tip.
Let’s get started with cleaning four key tools that you likely use every day:
Excellent advice and loved the videos for each one.