Block Completed: 10/3/15
Fabrics Used: Riley Blake, unknown scraps
Finished the second block today in the Farmer’s Wife Quilt! This one came together crazy fast…I used some of the templates I made for the first block, which saved a ton of time. Plus, I found it’s much (much) easier to piece these small blocks by pressing phentermine order online no prescription seams closed/to the side as opposed to open like I had previously done. Learning a ton already!
Click here to see all the blocks that have been completed so far. Also – are you on Instagram? Let’s connect!
Just for fun, this post links up at some of these great Catholic and quilting sites!
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Kelli says
Your block is very sweet. Love your fabric selections.
faithandfabric says
Thanks, Kelli! I absolutely LOVE this fabric – though I will say, these fussy cuts are making me go through the fabric a *lot* quicker than I thought!
Gina says
Your blocks are looking great! I’m hoping to get one done next week.
faithandfabric says
Thanks, Gina! I’m looking forward to seeing yours as well as what fabric you picked 🙂