When it comes to a celebration, the details are what help make it a success. We recently talked about what to serve at a Last Supper meal on Holy Thursday as part of our Triduum activities, so now we’re going to look at a way to add both decoration *and* education to your dinner.
Two key components of the meal are the meal itself and the fact that we are all gathered together in God’s name. It is the perfect opportunity for us to offer thanks and prayer! We will be using the menu provided earlier, along with a pre-meal prayer. This gives us a simple “decoration” for the table, an opportunity to re-educate our guests – and ourselves – on why we each of the foods on the table are being served, and a communal prayer we can all pray together before the meal starts
1. Preheat your oven to 200-degrees.
2. Download and print out the menu and prayer.
3. Gently crumble your paper. Uncrumble, and place your crinkled printed menu/prayer on a baking sheet. Make sure the paper fits in the sheet.
4. Prepare both a cup of strong, hot coffee. Pour the coffee over the paper and allow the paper to soak in the coffee for about 10min. You can also throw some granules over the paper for added depth/color.
5. Pour off the excess liquid from the pan, leaving the menu inside. It should be stuck to the bottom of the pan. Blot off any remaining coffee granules; it’s ok if a few remain as they will dry in the oven and can be shaken off then. Add a bit of texture to the paper by tearing the edges off.
6. Once you’re happy with the “distressed” look of your paper, you’re ready to bake. Place the pan with your paper inside into the pre-heated oven and “bake” for 5-7min to dry the paper. You’ll know it’s done when the paper lifts from the pan and slightly curls. If it is still stuck to the pan, it’s not quite ready yet. IMPORTANT! Stay near your oven and keep an eye on your paper, as it goes from “not quite ready” to “totally done” very quickly.
7. Remove from oven, and allow it to cool.
One final note – Pope Benedict offered a great insight into the Last Supper – when you have a few minutes, take time to read it here. It provides a beautiful backdrop for the importance of this great meal.
Just for fun…this post links up at these great Catholic and quilting sites.
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Oh my gosh, this is amazing! Your creativity is just unreal. So happy I "found" your blog!
do not think we will be able to do this this year…but I am pinning it for the future.
Thanks for sharing your ideas!
God bless
Chris, you make my day with your sweet comments!!! I'd love to hear how it goes for you once you make it.
How fun is that?
…and it's super easy, too. That's the best part!
What a cool idea!
Thanks, Leslie! It’s a lot of fun to do with the kids.