Welcome back to Week 29 of #freemotionfriday! Our video library is growing with these awesome free motion quilting videos, so if you’ve missed any of them be sure to search for them here. Learning each week with you, as we share our faith journey, is such a pleasure. If you’re just beginning your journey, here’s a post to help launch your free motion practice this year.
This week we’ll be making a free motion quilt design called “rain drops”. This wonderful design is a spin on Genesis 7:4, where God warned Noah of the great flood. We can ask ourselves that, if we received a similar message today, what would we do with those remaining days before the flood arrived?
If we think of those last few days, and (a) who we would spend that time with and (b) what we would want to take with us, we can reassess those things that are most important to us. Before the rain falls, we may want to spend time with certain friends, or repair rifts with a family member. It’s these things that – once realized – we can move to the forefront of our priority list and make a priority NOW – long before the rain begins.
As you begin to free motion quilt your rain drops, here are a few tips:
You’ll see above, in the bottom right corner, that there are three options for how you create your rain drops. You can space them out a lot, a little, or not at all. The closer you place your drops when you free motion quilt them, the more it looks like a rain storm!
…and that’s it! Watch the short video above that breaks down the free motion quilting process even more. I look forward to hearing how your rain drop sewing goes; leave a comment letting me know how you did, and be sure to share your work on IG using the tag #freemotionfriday so I can see your beautiful work!