My son has long since loved St. Michael – in fact, this will be his third year dressing as his favorite saint for Halloween. To celebrate Michaelmas on September 29th, I’ve pulled together a list of some really great ways to celebrate the day! Whether you’re a crafter, baker, or fashionista, there’s something here for you – here’s a roundup of ways to celebrate Michaelmas:
- Sew a St. Michael the Archangel stuffed doll! This is a wonderful and beginner friendly project for new sewists. Simply cut him from the fabric, sew either on a machine or by hand, turn right sides out, stuff, and enjoy!
- These coloring sheets from Catholic Sistas are wonderful. Each of the three separate pages has an image of St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael beside a prayer to the angel. Color, cut out, glue, and have an adorable two-sided project your kids will love.
- St. Michael not only led the battle of good and evil, but wore amazing leggings while doing it. Break out your own leggings, read this hilarious article by Molly Makes Do on the many leggings of St. Michael, and share them with #leggingsformichaelmas.
- Bake an angel food cake, and add some blackberries (here’s a gluten free version!). This recipe from The Pink Wisk is delish. Did you know folklore says that when St. Michael expelled Lucifer from heaven, Lucifer fell from the skies and landed in a prickly blackberry bush?
- Since you already have the oven on, add some angel-shaped sugar cookies to the mix! Cut them from a basic sugar cookie recipe, and let the kids decorate with any on-hand sprinkles you have (notice the ultra-patriotic angels we made this year!). No judging our slightly burnt cookies 😉
- Now that you’re sufficiently sugar rushed, go outside and drive Satan out of heaven with this amazing pinata from Catholic All Year!
- Pray the chaplet of St. Michael; shown is a beautiful St. Michael rosary from EWTN.
- Create a dinner feast with Carrots for Michaelmas with a menu the whole family will love.
- Create a foam St. Michael craft to defend us from all things scary!
Now it’s your turn! What ideas for celebrating Michaelmas do you have? Leave your thoughts (and any links!) in the comments!
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