The Gospel is the most powerful message in the history of
the world. It penetrates souls, changes
lives and brings life to deadened hearts.
Through rebirth of our souls, the purpose of our lives radically changes
is all ways. A mission field we didn’t
once see now dances before our eyes with possibility of salvation to all we
cross paths with each day. One of those
mission fields is in your home, under your roof and the one you have vowed your
life here on earth to, your husband.
A saved husband is every Christian woman’s desire. A man who reads his Bible daily and prays
with his wife each night sounds ideal.
She can trust him to shepherd his family to walk in the ways of the
Lord. What a huge blessing for those
wives! But what if that is not you? How do you treat the husband who is
unsaved? How do you treat the husband
that you may question his salvation?
Easy answer, the same way you serve the one who is saved! You just have to tweak your methods a bit
depending on your situation.
with his wife each night sounds ideal.
She can trust him to shepherd his family to walk in the ways of the
Lord. What a huge blessing for those
wives! But what if that is not you? How do you treat the husband who is
unsaved? How do you treat the husband
that you may question his salvation?
Easy answer, the same way you serve the one who is saved! You just have to tweak your methods a bit
depending on your situation.
Your call as a Christian is to go and make disciples,
sharing the good news of Jesus with all that you meet. That includes your husband! Your prayers and actions may change a bit if
he is unsaved but you still want your bottom line to be respect no matter the
condition of his soul. You can fuel a
man with respect. Your respect towards
him can open doors for Jesus to do great things in his life without the
wrestling match many men go through as they are pulled towards the cross. Your respect towards a saved husband honors
him and in turn honors God. Though it is
not easy, respect is the bottom line to your life as a wife.
sharing the good news of Jesus with all that you meet. That includes your husband! Your prayers and actions may change a bit if
he is unsaved but you still want your bottom line to be respect no matter the
condition of his soul. You can fuel a
man with respect. Your respect towards
him can open doors for Jesus to do great things in his life without the
wrestling match many men go through as they are pulled towards the cross. Your respect towards a saved husband honors
him and in turn honors God. Though it is
not easy, respect is the bottom line to your life as a wife.
How can you best serve your husband? Here are a few ways.
- Prayer- There is no better way to serve him than through
the supernatural power of prayer. You
will reach him better that way than with any word that rolls off your
lips. Make your petitions known to the
Lord and allow God to answer those prayers. - Kind words- Never underestimate how far a kind word will
travel. There may be times to say
something hard but there is almost always a kind way to say it. Guard your mouth always but especially with
your husband. - Purity- Everything in a Christians life boils down to the
purity of our eyes, mouth, ears, heart and mind. Whether your husband is saved or not, pray
that the Lord works on purifying him.
That he keeps his eyes just for you.
That he guards his ears and his mouth.
Pray that the Lord keeps his mind pure and his heart clean. Temptation overtakes many men and the battle
is fierce. Never stop praying for your
husband’s purity. - Look at your husband’s actions through God’s eyes. Could the horrible decision he just made be
bringing an unsaved husband closer to the cross? Could the bad choice your saved husband made
be used to break a stronghold in his life?
Before opening your mouth with your opinion, list at least one way God
can use it for His good. Then decide if
you really need to say anything. - RESPECT- why is that all caps? It’s because it is by far the biggest
thing! Men crave respect. They live for it and are created to desire
it. It’s easy for us to love our husbands
but respect comes harder. It’s even
harder when they ‘re not worthy of respect.
Yet God says respect him so do just that. Remember the rule that if you cannot say
anything nice, say nothing.
Lastly, for those of you with unsaved husbands, your
husband’s salvation has nothing to do with how you act as a wife. Who you are as a wife is based on God’s word
and not your husband’s salvation or lack of salvation. I know that is hard but your call as a
Christian is to honor God in all things.
Your husband will be blessed because of your obedience to God. I promise you that God will honor you as you
walk out your call to serve Him through serving your husband. Read 1 Peter 3: 1. Wives,
likewise, be submissive to your
own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may
be won by the conduct of their wives. Without a word from your lips, God will show him the Gospel. Stand on that promise and serve God fully
each day.
husband’s salvation has nothing to do with how you act as a wife. Who you are as a wife is based on God’s word
and not your husband’s salvation or lack of salvation. I know that is hard but your call as a
Christian is to honor God in all things.
Your husband will be blessed because of your obedience to God. I promise you that God will honor you as you
walk out your call to serve Him through serving your husband. Read 1 Peter 3: 1. Wives,
likewise, be submissive to your
own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may
be won by the conduct of their wives. Without a word from your lips, God will show him the Gospel. Stand on that promise and serve God fully
each day.
As you walk out the days of your marriage, you
are walking in the path God has laid before you. The Gospel is the root of your faith and
empowers every step along the journey of this life. Remember that God’s call includes your
husband and marriage as primary ministries.
He has placed you here for such a time as this with the man you share a
life with. Honor your husband whether he
is saved or unsaved. Doing so gives God glory, something every Christian
are walking in the path God has laid before you. The Gospel is the root of your faith and
empowers every step along the journey of this life. Remember that God’s call includes your
husband and marriage as primary ministries.
He has placed you here for such a time as this with the man you share a
life with. Honor your husband whether he
is saved or unsaved. Doing so gives God glory, something every Christian
Jenn Hoskins is a wife, homeschooling mom
of 6 and founder of Mommy Evangelism, a ministry that encourages moms to share
their faith during the most amazing season of life, motherhood. You can find her blogging at You can also find her
vloging with her best friend about all things mommy at
of 6 and founder of Mommy Evangelism, a ministry that encourages moms to share
their faith during the most amazing season of life, motherhood. You can find her blogging at You can also find her
vloging with her best friend about all things mommy at
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I was trying to find your blog because I watched some of your YouTube videos the other day. I have been struggling so hard with this issue and prayed so hard about it last night. Then stumble upon this today?! God is good. Thank you for sharing your wisdom.
Diane, Jenn Hoskins is great, isn't she? I'm so glad you were able to find an article that helped you for where you were that day!