Welcome back to Week 28 of #freemotionfriday! Our video library is growing with these awesome free motion quilting videos, so if you’ve missed any of them be sure to search for them here. Learning each week with you, as we share our faith journey, is such a pleasure. If you’re just beginning your journey, here’s a post to help launch your free motion practice this year.
This week we’ll be making a free motion quilt design called “curly stars”. This two-in-one design is inspired by 1 Corinthians 15:41. It talks about how the sun has its splendor, the moon has its splendor, and each star (all 200 billion trillion!) has its own splendor.
I love how we are each like a star. Each of us are completely unique from one another…even if you think of your very best friend, you still look different, smile different, have different interests and hobbies. We are each unique in our own splendor! When it comes to making these splendid stars, we’ll be combining a windy night sky with the stars themselves. Here are three general tips to help you as you free motion quilt this star design:
Designated by the red circles above is Tip #3. It’s really important, especially when you’re just getting started, to continually start and stop in the same spot each time on the stars. This will help keep you oriented in where you’re quilting starts and ends, and keep your stars looking more like pointy stars and less like pointy blobs.
…and that’s it! Watch the short video above that breaks down the free motion quilting process even more. I look forward to hearing how your sewing goes; leave a comment letting me know how you did, and be sure to share your work on IG using the tag #freemotionfriday so I can see your beautiful work!