There have been so many new – and fun – ways for us to all connect and share, and one of my favorites might be this: the Quilter Eye Candy Trunk Show! With all the quilt shows that were cancelled, this one popped up as a great way for us to all still share even though the actual shows have been postponed. In a nutshell: the Quilter’s Eye Candy Trunk Show is a ten day event where each day, on the hour, you can pop over to someone’s Facebook page and see their lovely stash of quilts, learn more about them as a quilter, and get a behind-the-scenes peek at their studio. Seriously, how cool is that? If you’re on Facebook, be sure to follow the hashtags #quilterseyecandytrunkshow #fblivetrunkshow as they’ll be your guide to keeping up with who is sharing next.
It’s a really great line-up, and I’m excited to meet so many new quilters! Here’s the schedule…now, I know that’s a lot. SO, I’ll be posting the schedule each morning over on my Facebook page so you won’t miss a thing! (TIP: you can also click here to view my trunk show)
Want to view all the wonderful trunk shows after they go live? Join the public Quilter’s Eye Candy Trunk Show group on Facebook, where these amazing designers will be sharing their trunk shows throughout the week!
April 1 1pm EST Nancy Scott facebook.com/MasterpieceQ
April 1 2pm EST Becky Jorgensen https://www.facebook.com/patchworkposse/
April 1 3pm EST Carolina Moore facebook.com/alwaysexpectmoore
April 1 4pm EST Jackie Kunkel https://www.facebook.com/cantonvillagequiltworks/
April 1 5pm EST Connie Jonson Sayler https://www.facebook.com/PacificRimQuiltCompany/
April 1 6pm EST Laura Piland/Slice of Pi Quilts https://www.facebook.com/sliceofpiquilts/
April 1 7pm EST Sandra Starley https://www.facebook.com/TextileTimeTravels
April 2 1pm EST Beth Helfter EvaPaige Quilt Designs
April 2 2pm EST Diane Bohn/From Blank Pages https://facebook.com/fromblankpages
April 2 3pm EST Deb Eggers/the cottage rose https://www.facebook.com/cottagerosequilt/
April 2 4pm EST Heidi Pridemore/The Whimsical Workshop https:/www.facebook.com/thewhimsicalworkshop
April 2 5pm EST Kate Colleran https://www.facebook.com/SeamsLikeaDreamQuilts/
April 3 1pm EST Teresa Weaver www.facebook.com/yoursewingfriend
April 3 2pm EST Annette Ornelas https://www.facebook.com/southwind.designs/
April 3 3pm EST Jo Westfoot – The Crafty Nomad www.facebook.com/thecraftynomad
April 3 4pm EST Lynn Kane https://facebook.com/puppygirllynn
April 3 5pm EST Geeky Bobbin https://facebook.com/geekybobbinApril 3 6pm EST
April 3 7pm EST Laura Strickland https://m.facebook.com/orangeblossomquilt/
April 3 8pm EST Jen Frost https://www.facebook.com/FaithAndFabric/
April 4 1pm EST Bill Locke – Bill Locke Designs https://www.facebook.com/bill.locke.96
April 4 2pm EST Toni Smith/Quiltoni https://www.facebook.com/Quiltoni/
April 4 3pm EST Tammy Silvers/Tamarinis https://www.facebook.com/tamarinis/
April 4 4pm EST Jennifer Fulton https://www.facebook.com/inquiringquilter/
April 4 5pm EST Jessica Caldwell/ Desert Bloom Quilting https://www.facebook.com/desertbloomquilting/
April 4 6pm EST Monique Kleinhans / Ladybug’s Cabin https://www.facebook.com/ladybugscabin/
April 4 7pm EST Heather Long / Coffee and Quilts https://m.facebook.com/Coffee-and-Quilts-197254351073271/?__tn__=C-R
April 5 1pm EST Bill Locke https://www.facebook.com/bill.locke.96
April 5 2pm EST Marlene Oddie https://www.facebook.com/kissedquilts/
April 5 3pm EST Sandy Fitzpatrick https://www.facebook.com/HissyfitzDesigns
April 5 4pm EST Reed Johnson https://www.facebook.com/BlueBearQuilts/
April 5 5pm EST Diane Harris https://www.facebook.com/stashbandit/
April 5 7pm EST Kathryn LeBlanc/Dragonfly’s Quilting Design Studio https://www.facebook.com/dragonflysquiltingdesignstudioApril 5 8pm EST
April 6 2pm EST Cheryl Lynch www.facebook.com/CherylLynchFiberArts
April 6 3pm EST Annie Smith https://www.facebook.com/anniesmithqs
April 6 7pm EST Melissa Marginet https://www.facebook.com/melissa.marginet.quilter/
April 7
April 7 1pm EST Kate Colleran/Seams Like A Dream Design https://www.facebook.com/SeamsLikeaDreamQuilts/
April 7 2pm EST Barbara Cline https://www.facebook.com/barbara.cline.520
April 7 3pm EST Barbara Persing https://www.facebook.com/bpquilts/
April 7 4pm EST Ms P Designs USA/ Sharon Andersen https://www.facebook.com/MsPDesignsUSA/
April 7 8pm EST Christa Watson https://www.facebook.com/groups/christaquilts/
April 8
April 8 1pm EST Raija Salomaa/Quilters’ Treasure Chest https://www.facebook.com/quilterstreasurechest/
April 8 2pm EST Robin Koehler//NESTLINGS by Robin https://www.facebook.com/NestlingsbyRobin/
April 8 3pm EST Terri Vanden Bosch https://www.facebook.com/lizardcreekquilting/
April 8 4pm EST Jackie Kunkel https://www.facebook.com/cantonvillagequiltworks/
April 8 6pm EST Laura Piland/Slice of Pi Quilts https://www.facebook.com/sliceofpiquilts/
April 8 7pm EST Ebony Love https://www.facebook.com/LoveBugStudios/
April 8 8pm EST Tammy Silvers/Tamarinis https://www.facebook.com/tamarinis/
April 9
April 9 4pm EST Jen Frost https://www.facebook.com/FaithAndFabric/
April 9 5pm EST Annie Smith https://www.facebook.com/anniesmithqs/
April 9 6pm EST Karen L. Miller / Redbird Quilt Co. https://www.facebook.com/RedbirdQuiltCo/
April 9 7pm EST Kathryn LeBlanc/Dragonfly’s Quilting Design Studio https://www.facebook.com/dragonflysquiltingdesignstudio
April 9 8pm EST Monique Kleinhans / Ladybug’s Cabin https://www.facebook.com/ladybugscabin/
April 10
April 10 1pm Teresa Weaver www.facebook.com/yoursewingfriend
April 10 2pm Karen Overton https://www.facebook.com/TheQuiltRambler