Each of us has three gifts we can share: Time, Talent, and Treasure. Today we talk with the Kiczek family, of Dolls from Heaven, about the ways in which they use their gifts to make a difference.
As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another,
as good stewards of God’s varied grace.
1 Peter 4:10
F&F: Welcome! Tell me a little bit about you.
Dolls From Heaven: We are the Kiczeks, a Catholic, pro life family, who are trying to work for the kingdom of God by bringing others closer to Jesus. As a family we created Dolls from Heaven.
F&F: What kind of work do you do? Is there an area that you feel you’ve been gifted in and called to share?
Dolls From Heaven: All together we created Dolls from Heaven to inspire children to become saints. Esmeralda (Mom) made the doll outfits, Sarah (2nd daughter) did the artwork and sketches, Ashley (first born) took the photographs, Maria (the youngest) is our model, and we all helped with overall design and all business decisions. Brian (father) helped with the marketing and promotional efforts.
F&F: How did you get started?
Dolls From Heaven: Dolls have always been part of our family. We all enjoyed dressing them and playing with them. Last year, on the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christian, May 24th, we took a long trip to a family function, it was a long ride and there was a lot of traffic. After we prayed the Rosary, we started talking about the different kinds of dolls companies and how there were none that would inspire children to become saints. A little light bulb lit up in our heads, we all suggested creating a doll company that would lead children closer to God through the lives of the saints. We came up with the name, “Dolls from Heaven.” Once again, all of us in agreement decided that our first doll should be St. Therese of Lisieux. She is one of our favorite buy ultram online saints; she has not only inspired our family, but millions of people through her “little way.
F&F: What is your favorite part about Dolls from Heaven?
Dolls From Heaven: Our favorite part of being part of Dolls from Heaven is that we all get to work together as a family to help inspire children to become saints through the lives of the saints.
F&F: Where do you draw your inspiration from?
Dolls From Heaven: Our inspiration came from our families love for 18 inch dolls especially, vinyl types like the American Girl brand.
F&F: What role does your faith play in both your work and everyday life?
Dolls From Heaven: Our faith plays a role in everything we do as a family and infuses our work especially with the Dolls from Heaven which seeks to use play and reading to inspire children to become saints.
F&F: How do you get (and stay) involved with your local and online community?
Dolls From Heaven: We are very involved in our local parish Epiphany in the Archdioceses of Newark as CCD teachers and promoters of the Children’s Rosary Movement in our parish as well. We use all social media platforms to promote our works of faith, such as Decade a Day Disciples, the Adoption Movement and of course Dolls from Heaven.
F&F: Where do you like to play (aka: what social media is your favorite place to be?)
Dolls From Heaven: We love Facebook to connect closer with our friends and family as well as promote our various works of faith. Twitter is also an incredible platform to connect with Catholics throughout the world and is how we came in contact with Faith and Fabric.
F&F: Where can people go to find more information about what you do?
Dolls From Heaven: Our website is http://www.dollsfromheaven.com
Just for fun…this post links up at some of these great Catholic and quilt sites.