Are you looking for a way to help your child learn fine motor skills *and* their faith – at the same time? Our felt bible activity quiet books are a great way to do both! With three levels focused on different skills based on the age of your child, you can make them a book that will provide the skills they need to learn and grow. (You’ll find the supplies needed here.)
Each of the levels of the Bible felt activity quiet books was developed with the guidance of experts in the field, including early childhood educators, faith formation leaders, and local parish priests.
In creating these books, I wanted to make sure that the activities were designed not only around faith, but around those small-hand skills that young children master at various stages of growth. As the skills are so different depending on the age of the child, three levels of age-appropriate books are being developed:

*table will continually be updated as new books are added. Don’t want to spoil the surprise by sharing all the details at once!
LEVEL 1: Ages 9mo – 2yr
- Jesus Loves Me (L1V1): Coming June 2016!
LEVEL 2: Ages 2-4
- Miracles of Jesus (L2V1): learn the miracles of Jesus in this fun activity book! Your child will have the chance to practice buttons, snaps, velcro, and master tiny pieces as they learn five miracles of Jesus. Each activity page is complimented with a learning page, which contains an age-appropriate retelling of the miracle and corresponding chapter/verse. Enrich this activity book by looking up the readings in your own family or children’s Bible!
LEVEL 3: Ages 4-5
- The Parables (L3V1): Coming July 2016!
I’m so excited to share these felt Bible activity quiet books with you, and hope they become an integral part of your child’s development! These three planned books are just the start of many in the series; I am excited to start this journey with you.
Looking for an easy way to pick up the materials you need? Select the book you want to make from the categories list, and you can order any items you don’t have!*
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Just for fun, this post links up at these great Catholic and quilting sites!
*As an Amazon affiliate, I receive a small payment for any purchase you make through their site. There is no cost to you.