We really do believe that a family that prays together stays together! Hubby and I are working our way through the Bible’s “one year” reading plan, along with various bible study programs, and what may spring our interest at the moment (so basically…we’re all over the place!). Our readings, with thoughts & input, are shared below. We’ll continue to add as we read more!
As this is a learning for us, we absolutely LOVE comments and feedback. Have you read the same section? Do you have a similar or different thought? Please share it in the comments – it is a wonderful way for us all to learn and share! The links below take you to our thoughts…we would love to hear yours.
1: Gen. 1-3 | 2: Gen. 4-7 | 3: Gen. 8-11 | 4: Gen. 12-15 | 5: Job 1-5 |
6: Job 6-9 | 7&8: Job 10-16 | 9: Job 17-20 | 10: Job 21-23 | 11: Job 24-28 |
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